For the latest information about our services

Please sign up for eNews or access our Facebook group for details.

Whether you're only here for a short time, or whether you feel called to make Saint Laurence your new spiritual home, you are more than welcome!


We gather at 2 pm for Service ZERO on the second, third, fourth and fifth Sundays of each month for worship, teaching and ministry.


On the first Sunday of each month, we have a special service called REMIX.
REMIX is at the alternative time of 12 pm as we eat and explore faith together. REMIX is for all ages, and this space replaces our other services.

We send out eNews with updates regarding services and events most weeks. Extra services and activities are held over the Easter and Christmas periods. 


At Service ZERO we have children's groups for those in primary school three weeks out of four.


During holiday seasons, service times may change, and details are available through our eNews and our Facebook group.

On occasion, we broadcast our services and particular events via our Youtube page.