Dear Parents and Guardians

As you may be aware, we have a trip planned to the annual Soul Survivor event at the Royal Bath and West Showground in Shepton Mallet, from Saturday 13th to Wednesday 17th August 2016. The idea is for your child(ren) to get to know us and each other better as well as go deeper with the Christian faith.

There will be times of worship, prayer and teaching from the Bible in the morning and evening meetings. We will also be sharing as a group in times of eating together, playing sports together and taking part in different activities around the site.

There will also be workshops and seminars throughout the day looking at different subjects and issues around faith, life and God. In the evenings there are several venues dedicated to the latest music from all genres of music within the Christian world, including; a paint party, a silent disco, a film venue, café’s, sports arena, open mic stages, skate park and sports competitions.

The week costs us, the church of St Laurence, £210 per person (this includes: ticket, food, transport, equipment & hoodies). However, we are asking you to contribute what you can afford towards the cost and this could be anything from £50-£210. We would also need your contribution before we go so we can cover as much of the costs as possible.

(If the cost is a problem in any way please contact Westy asap on 07946224106 or email on to chat about other possible options). 

To book onto the trip, please fill in your details below.

The plan for the week is:

1, Meet on the Saturday 13 th at 9am, at St Laurence’s, with all your kit, tent & a packed lunch.

2, We will be travelling in minibuses, a van and cars.

3, We will arrive at 2pm and stay at the showground until the evening of Wednesday 17th .

4, We leave Soul Survivor at 9pm and return to St Laurence around midnight on Wednesday 17th .

5, Please pick up your child(ren) at midnight from St Laurence Church on the Wednesday 17 th or let us know asap and we’ll try arranging alternative options.

Kit list

What to bring:

 Tent (please share with friends if possible as we are limited for space)

 Sleeping Bag or Duvet

 Pillow

 Air bed/lilo/camp bed or roll mat

 Pocket money (up to £50). There are stalls to buy clothes, hats, etc and

café’s to buy hot drinks

 Mug, bowl, plate, knife, fork, spoon

 Torch

 Notebook and pen & Bible if you have one

 Towel (for showers)

 Swim wear or something to get wet in for the slip ‘n’ slide!!

 Tea Towel (for washing up)

 Wash kit and toiletries (in a wash bag)

 Warm clothes and summer clothes, enough for a week

 Two pairs of; trainers/shoes

 A pair of flip-flops/sandals

 Waterproofs

 Wellies

 Hat, gloves and scarf (only if the forecast is cold)

 A sense of humour, have fun and be willing to join in!


If any valuable items are brought, i.e. cameras, ipods, phones etc, they are the complete responsibility of your child and we cannot take any responsibility for them, there are charging points on site and it is your child’s responsibility to find these and charge their phones.

Snacks &; food can be brought with your child, however not in excess and there is a shop on site to buy sweets from. We also provide all meals so your child will need to eat with the group and not be full on sweets.

If your child has any allergies or medication, please let us know asap and bring any medication with you on the Saturday with instructions/dosages.

Quick Links




  • 13th-17th August 2016
  • Meet at church at 9am
  • Arrive home at midnight
  • Royal Bath and West Showground, Shepton Mallet (see map)
  • Cost: £50-£210
  • Useful contact numbers:
    Chris West
    David Pickersgill 07975597757
  • for more info